Blog Terry Blog

Steel Mule
January 22, 2009, 10:48 pm
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags: , , , ,

Since I’m getting so much traffic to my blog (I got like 3 hits in the last 2 days), I thought I’d let everyone know that my friends Six Mile Grove have a new a new album out called Steel Mule.  It’s excellent.  You should all check it out and head to their CD release party on Saturday night.

Mary and I got a sneak peak of the CD at a listening party a couple weeks ago at the The Local in downtown Minneapolis.  It was my first time in their new music room, the Hollow.  It’s a very cool space and appropriately named.    

Check out a video from the night here:

In the first 10 seconds of the video, Brandon was definitely referring to Mary and I when he singled out the 2 people that wouldn’t be at their show this Saturday.  That’s because we’ll be in Arizona! . . wait scratch that, I mean Sunny Arizona!!  See you Saturday Mom and Dad.  I can’t wait.


Why Blog?
January 18, 2009, 8:23 pm
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags: ,

As you can see I decided to start a blog. 

I know it’s pretty exciting, but try to contain yourself.  I’m pretty sure you’ll be racing to your computer every day like it’s Christmas morning just to read the gift that is my musings.  However I have to warn you not to get too attached as those that know me best now that I’m way better at starting hobbies than sustaining them.

So why a blog?

  1. I’m not a journalist.  If you live in the Twin Cities (and probably anywhere else in the country) you know the newspaper business isn’t doing so hot.  Plus I’m about the last person in the world that should be writing professionally.
  2. Web 2.0 is the bomb.  I know I’m way behind in jumping on the web 2.0 bandwagon and from my use of “the bomb” you can see I’m either further behind on the lastest slang words.  The community of people on the  Internet actively contributing content is fascinating.  My life has changed dramatically by consuming information freely made available by others.  I guess I wanted to be a part of it.
  3. Connections.    I truly believe that technology can be used not just to connect people that you never would not have otherwise met, but also can strengthen connections with those you interact with every day or those you wish you could interact with more often.  I’m not always quick to open up.  I’d never call or e-mail all my friends and family to tell them about my favorite new beer bar, artist, home improvement project or deep thought.   However for those that really want to know you can come hear and read about it. 
  4. I’m not a stand up comedian.  My jokes don’t usually go over that well in real life.  I figure if I write them here I can just assume that people find them funny.

There are other reasons, but I’ll cap it at 4.  Thanks for reading.  I think this is going to be good for me.


Inaugural Post
January 18, 2009, 8:05 pm
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags: , ,
For more reason than one I’m jealous of those that will be in our nation’s capital for the inaugartion festivities this week.

One of my favorite things in the world is the DC subway. It’s incredible! The concrete walls are the coolest.  The red running lights next to the tracks are a close second. 

I took about 20 pictures of the walls the last time I was in DC. However there are some great pictures on flickr and the picture posted is from a generous internet prosumer.

The picture is entitled
Hello, boss? I’m going to be late…

Originally uploaded by pedestrian shots via flickr


Tag Clouds
January 13, 2009, 4:29 am
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags:

I’m a fan of the tag clouds.  That was one of the reasons I went with the wordpress blog.  You can add a cloud in blogger/blogspot but it didn’t seem as seemless as it required some custom code.

Check out my tag cloud on the left.  $10 bet that I do horrible job at keeping my blog entries properly tagged/categorized.

January 13, 2009, 4:24 am
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags: ,

I’ve decided to go with one of the ultra-minimal blog design template.  What do you think?

1/18/2008 update.  I actually updated my template from the old “simpla” template to the current “benevolance” template.  The new one is still pretty minimal and has the killer wheatgrass(I think?) on the top.  I’m sure it will be changed 5 more times by the time anyone reads this.

Hello World!
January 13, 2009, 4:11 am
Filed under: Miscellaneous | Tags:

This is my first official entry into my blog.

I feel like I should start this entry with ‘Dear diary’ as I know I’m the only one reading this. However if you are not me than I’m thinking either:

1) You’re stalking me.
2) I actually decided to let people know this blog exists and you decided to check it out.

Either way I’m flattered. Thanks for visiting and let me know what you think.
